WhatsApp gets passwordless login feature, here is how to enable it


WhatsApp is taking a significant step forward in enhancing the security and user experience of its Android application by introducing a passwordless login option. This feature promises to bid farewell to the often insecure and occasionally annoying two-factor SMS authentication that Android users have relied on. With this move, WhatsApp aims to streamline the login process and boost security, allowing users to use their face, fingerprint, or PIN to unlock their WhatsApp accounts.

This announcement was made by WhatsApp via X (formerly Twitter), signaling a transition to a more user-friendly and secure authentication method. While WhatsApp had previously been testing this feature in the beta version, it is now set to be rolled out to the general Android user base. Unfortunately, there is still no official information regarding when WhatsApp passkeys will be available for iPhone users.

The rollout of passkey support for Android will occur gradually over the upcoming weeks and months, with the goal of simplifying the login process for millions of users. Passkeys offer a compelling alternative to traditional passwords, relying on the robust authentication methods available on your device.

Both Apple and Google have already embraced this technology, offering support for passkeys to their users. Google, in particular, has been actively encouraging its users to switch from traditional passwords to passkeys, emphasizing the improved speed and security they provide. According to Google, passkeys are approximately 40 percent faster than traditional passwords and employ a specific type of cryptography that enhances security.

Google’s own experience with implementing passkeys earlier this year has been positive, with users reporting greater convenience and security. While this technology represents a significant step forward in authentication, Google acknowledges that the adoption of new technologies takes time, so traditional passwords may still be in use for a while. Nonetheless, passkeys are steadily gaining momentum as a more secure and efficient way to log in to online accounts, and WhatsApp’s introduction of this feature for Android users is another significant step toward a passwordless future.

How to enable passkeys on WhatsApp for Android

While the feature is yet to reach devices all over the world, here is a look at how you can enable the new passkeys option on WhatsApp as or when you receive it.

-Open WhatsApp and access the settings menu.
-Tap on “Account.”
-Select “Passkeys.”
-Choose “Create a passkey.”
-Read the informational popup explaining passkey functionality.
-Tap “Continue.”
-A notification from Google Password Manager will appear, asking if you want to create a passkey for WhatsApp.
-Select “Continue” and opt to “Use screen lock” to enable logging in with your phone’s screen lock method. Your WhatsApp passkey will now be displayed for your reference.

Source By: indiatoday

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