Traffic Challan Fine Full List 2022: Important news! How many rupees is deducted for violation of which traffic rule? Here is the list


Traffic Challan Fine Full List: If you do not know how much fine is imposed for violation of which traffic rule, then today we are going to give you information about it.

The information we are going to give is based on the law brought by the central government. Some states have also made changes in these according to their own.

  • Road regulation violation attracts a fine of Rs 500.
  • Failure to comply with the orders of the traffic officers attracts a fine of Rs 2,000.
  • Using a vehicle without RC attracts a fine of Rs 5,000.
  • Driving a vehicle without DL attracts a fine of Rs 5,000. Driving a vehicle even after DL is canceled attracts a fine of Rs 10,000.
  • Overspeeding for MPV attracts a fine of Rs.2000.
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol attracts a fine of Rs 10,000.
  • Jumping the red line attracts a fine of Rs 1000. Not wearing a seat belt attracts a fine of up to Rs 1,000.


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