Online AI fraud: Beware of scamsters using video call trick to con you


Online Air Intelligence (AI) fraud: Economic fraudsters have developed a new technique in which you will receive a video call from your known individual from an unknown number citing financial emergency. The known video caller from the unknown number would ask you to lend money that you may transfer expecting to get it back once the person comes out of the financial crisis. This known individual can be your wife, father, brother or a close friend. But, in fact, it’s a new technique of online fraud in which the economic offender uses ‘Deep Fake AI bot’ technique via Air Intelligence to con you.

How AI technique is helping fraudsters?
Elaborating upon this kind of online fraud, Pavan Duggal, Advocate at Supreme Court and Chief Executive and Artificial Intelligence Law Hub said, “Such cases were first noticed in Kerala that spread in some other states in south India. In such cases, you would receive a video call from your known individual asking for money as he or she is facing financial emergency. As the person has talked with you via video call, though from an unknown number, you would rely on him and transfer money to his or her given bank account or the new PhonePe or Google Pay number.”

The cyber crime expert went on to add that the victim believes that he would get the money back from that person once he or she comes out of the financial crisis. But, in actual the call was a fake call used by an online fraudster using ‘Deep Fake’ technique using ‘Air Intelligence’ technology. In this new type of online frauds, an offender uses voice and video sample of your known individual and then calls use giving AI commands from its mobile phone. The technology is so smooth in use that the victim believes that he or she is talking to its knonw individual.”

Warning people from this new type of online fraud, Delhi-based cyber crime expert, Amit Dubey said, “The video call can be from your wife, brother, father or mother as well. So, one has to remain vigilant and use one’s IQ when a known individual calls from an unknown number using a video call.”

Dubey said that ‘Deep Fake’ technique is highly smooth for executing online economic offence because people are unaware of AI technology developing a know face that can talk with them on commands.

How to ensure safety
On how to ensure safety of one’s money after receiving such video call from a known individual, Pavan Duggal said, “Very simple. When you receive such video call, just talk to the person and then call on the number of that person. If the person seconds about the crisis he or she has informed in one’s video call earlier. For more safety, don’t send money till you talk with the person on his or her given number.”

Source By: livemint

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