Have A Salary Account? Here Are Some Rules and Benefits You Should Know


Salary Account Rules: When you work as an employee in a company, a salary account is opened for you. A salary account is considered to be the biggest means to meet your financial expenses, but you should know about a few rules related to it. Know about the rules here related to salary account.

How much should be the minimum balance in your salary account.

There is no rule of minimum balance in the salary account nor is there a penalty, but if you have a salary account opened by your previous employer, then it is important for you to know this rule. If there is no income in the salary account for more than three months, then that account is changed from a salary account to a savings account and the rules of the general savings account are applicable. In this case, the rule of maintaining a minimum balance in the savings account of that bank will be applicable and you will have to follow the same rules and keep a certain fixed amount in the account.

Know the benefits of salary account-

The bank gives a personalized checkbook to those holding a salary account, with the name of the employee printed on each check. You can also get the facility of making payments via phone or internet with a salary account. Facilities like deposit locker, super saver facility, free insta alerts, free passbook, and free email statement are also available to those with a salary account. This way you can get many benefits with the salary account.


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