Avoid Pension Delays: What Happens If Life Certificate Is Not Submitted In November?


Life Certificate For Pensioners Last Date 2023: Pensioners must submit a Life Certificate (Jeevan Pramaan) each November to continue receiving their pension benefits. An annual document, life certificate, is required for all central government and state pensioners to ensure uninterrupted pension payments.

To maintain the smooth disbursement of pension funds, all pensioners must submit it to their respective pension disbursing agencies by the end of the month.

To ensure that your pension payments continue without interruption, make sure to submit your Jeevan Pramaan certificate by the deadline.

Life Certificate or Jeevan Pramaan Patra: What Happens If You Fail To Submit It In November?

Failure to submit your Jeevan Pramaan Patra (Life Certificate) by November 30th may result in the suspension of your pension. The Jeevan Pramaan certificate serves as a crucial verification of your continued existence and eligibility for pension benefits. Without this certificate, the pension disbursing agency (PDA) will be unable to authorise the release of your pension funds, emphasising the importance of timely submission to ensure uninterrupted financial support.

Make sure to send in your Jeevan Pramaan life certificate before November 30th to avoid any issues. You can do this online, through a mobile app, or at a Jeevan Pramaan centre.

Jeevan Pramaan Patra

Jeevan Pramaan is a digital life certificate scheme launched by the Government of India in 2014. The scheme aims to simplify the process of submitting life certificates for pensioners.

Traditionally, pensioners had to submit life certificates in person to a PDA. This could be a time-consuming and inconvenient process, especially for pensioners who live in remote areas or who are unable to travel.

The Jeevan Pramaan scheme allows pensioners to submit their life certificates online, through a mobile app, or at a designated Jeevan Pramaan centre. The scheme uses Aadhaar-based biometric authentication to verify the identity of pensioners.

Pensioners have several options for submitting their life certificates. These methods cater to varying levels of technological accessibility and personal preferences.

Apart from digital life certificates, pensioners can also submit their life certificates physically at their respective PDAs, such as banks or post offices. This method involves presenting the original life certificate form, along with supporting documents like Aadhaar card and pension payment order, at the PDA’s counter.

Source By: news18

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